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System Reliability and Industrial Safety Laboratory

Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety
National Centre for Scientific Research «Demokritos»

Emergency Response

Emergency response planning in case of a major accident (hazardous material event, nuclear accident) is very important for the protection of the public and workers' safety and health. In this context, several protective actions can be performed, such as, evacuation of an area; protection of the population in buildings; and use of personal protective equipment. The best solution is not unique when multiple criteria are taken into consideration (e.g. health consequences, social disruption, economic cost).

SRISL has developed evolutionary multi-objective optimization tools for emergency response planning in case of a major accident, to optimize the emergency policy with regards to protective actions to be implemented. The methodology finds immediate applications to emergency response decision-making in case of accidents related to hazardous materials installations are presented. It can also find be suitable for supporting decisions in assessing emergency response procedures in other cases (nuclear accidents, transportation of hazardous materials) or for land-use planning issues. 

ammonia accidental release

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