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Seminars on high performance computing


The teaching staff of the Cluster School are participating in the setup and administration of several High Performance Computational resources;

The typhoon cluster used for Weather Forecasting at Environmental Research Lab of the NCSR "Demokritos"

The pegasus cluster used for Computational Fluid Dynamic at the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.

Megware, Nektar and Airquality clusters used for Computational Fluid Dynamics, weather forecasting and air quaility simulations at the University of Western Macedonia.

A larger cluster is also scheduled to operate at the Environmental Research Lab by September 2009. The cluster will consist of 50 nodes with Intel I7 cpus delivering a total 200 computational cores.

These resources will be available to the participants during the course. It will be also possible to apply for computing time for a limited period of time after the cource subject to availability of resources.

Typhoon cluster Pegasus Cluster Airquality Cluster